Well, betamax fell to VHS, VHS fell to DVD, DVD is about to fall to Blu-Ray. Before we know it, Blu-Ray will fall to streaming media via our computers, which will coincidentally replace our TVs, home phones, and microwaves. (Maybe not the microwaves - though a popcorn popping portal to the information superhighway would be magnificent.)
In the meantime, I'm enjoying the latest method to rent films from Blockbuster Video: Blockbuster Online. I'm sure everyone's familiar with how it works: you sign up for a plan, and they send you DVDs in the mail. We chose Blockbuster over Netflix because we can take DVDs we receive in the mail back to the store in exchange for new ones. And they have a better dental plan.
Blockbuster's vast film library has afforded us the opportunity to see a number of movies that we otherwise wouldn't. You know how you say, "I'll rent it when it comes out"? You don't want to pay the full arm-and-a-leg to see it in the theatre, so you hold off and pay $4.50 for the home viewing experience. Well, these films would've fallen under the "I'll see it if someone else rents it when it comes out" category. Here are two you may have heard of that are surprisingly great:

We've also watched some Woody Allen and Coen Brother's films, but they're a little older. I could take or leave Woody Allen. Although we're still waiting to see his hallmark Annie Hall, Melinda and Melinda was just so-so. The Big Lebowski and Fargo were pretty good from the Coen Brothers; if you haven't seen O Brother, Where Art Thou? you should definitely check it out.
If you've seen either or both of the two films above, feel free to post a comment on them. Also, if you have any good film recommendations, please share with the class.
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